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[22] matches found, displayed per page

Accept Terms and Conditions FREE


This plugin will add a check box to the "Step 2: Billing & Shipping Information" page of the order.

The shopper must tick this box indicating that they accept your terms and conditions before Soho will accept their order.

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Calendar Plus FREE


Have you ever tried to delete a series of recurring events on your calendar? Currently, you have two choices. Either you delete them one at a time, or you delete the entire series, including the events you wanted to keep.

If you install this plu—[continued]

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Click Counter FREE


Lets web developers track the number of clicks on a particular link or button by passing a special &linkid in the href/onlick.

Management module where you can view the click talleys for each tracked item, create new linkid's to track, delete exis—[continued]

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ClickstreamTV Video Manager FREE


Easily add streaming video to your website. Stream On Demand or Live Video. No software to install, hardware to purchase, or IT staff needed.Customize your video player to fit your business. Affordable and reliable CDN bandwidth.

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Custom 404 Redirect FREE


This plugin will redirect all non-existant soholaunch formatted page requests (example: to

You can either place a custom php file named 404.php in your document root folder, or create —[continued]

Display Titles on Menu FREE


This plugin will display your page titles instead of the page names on your site's menu for pages that have page titles. This works on all menu types, and should work on most custom templates as well.

Email Marketing Administrator (Signup Form Manager) FREE


Email Marketing Administrator
(Signup Form Manager)

** This plugin requires an active Springboard Email Marketing Administrator Account.

While this plugin is not absolutely required in order to embed Email Marketing Administrator signup forms—[continued]

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Embed Page Audio FREE


Add background music to your pages! In the page editor, drag the 'Embed Audio' object to the page and select your audio file!

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Form Loading FREE


Prevent your site user's from prematurely navigating away from your web page before the form submission has completed. If you use file attachments in your forms or if your server can be a little slow then this plugin is for you
This plugi.... Free!

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Form Submit Replacement FREE


Add a date_posted field in yyyy-mm-dd format for saved data table. Add form-spam prevention in form processing, "email to friends" (both regualr and shopping cart), "product review" (shopping cart).

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Google verification and Analytics FREE


Allows the pasting of code snipits from Google for verification and analystics

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Log un-translated strings FREE


For those Soholaunch users who are working to translate Pro Edition into another language.

As you click through the product, this plugin will silently log text strings that are not defined in the translation file for the currently-selected operati—[continued]

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PayJunction Payment Gateway FREE


This plugin adds the ability to use the PayJunction Trinity Gateway with Soholaunch's shopping cart.

Just install the plugin and PayJunction will appear with as a payment option, along with all the pre-installed options. Enter your Trinity Gatewa—[continued]

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QuickEdit DropMenu FREE


Lets you jump quickly between editing different pages by replacing the 'Edit Pages' button in the Page Editor with a quick-jump menu listing all of your site pages, organized by menu status.

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Scrolling Newsbox FREE


Enter content for this scrolling newsbox to display and it automatically rotates through them one at a time with scroll-in/scroll-out effect.

Very cool addon for any site.

---NEW IN VERSION 2.0---
Added Box Settings-

-Scroll type
-Slide sp—[continued]

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Secure User Files FREE


This plugin restricts viewing and downloading of all files in the media folder. Only users who are logged in as a secure user, shopping cart customer, or site administrator can access the files in the media folder.

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Soho Chat FREE


Soho Chat allows users logged into the sohoadmin panel to chat with eachother. Looking for a little help with Soholaunch? Want to spark up a little conversation with other website builders? Soho Chat can help!
The more people using Soho Chat the —[continued]

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Soho-CSS-Editor 1.0 Demo FREE


The next great plugin is here with a free demo. Have you ever want to change the look of one of the templates that come free with every new install of Soholaunch. Well this new plugin lets you change parts of a template with out knowing any programi—[continued]

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Super Size Me FREE


Expands the SohoAdmin window from 800x600 to 1024x768.

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Transaction History FREE


This is a basic transaction history table for your users. All they do is enter in their bill to email address they have used to buy your product and it will generate a list in a table of all the transactions that have been done using the shopping car—[continued]

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Winter Theme FREE


That time of year again!

This plugin adds a snow-falling effect to your pages.

New added admin area where you can control the amount of snowfall, hide time, upload images, select start and end dates and choose if the theme is present in—[continued]

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Wordpress Blog FREE


This plugin automatically installs and configures Wordpress Blog.

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