Document Manager 1.04

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Document Manager: Overview

Document Manager by -- Released on Jun 30, 2009

The document manager plugin makes it incredibly easy to manage and display files for download on your site. Creating nicely formatted and sorted directories of files is simple.

1) Upload files or import them from your existing site folderrs.
2) Assign them to a category by simply selecting them in a list.
3) Optionally add titles and/or descriptions
4) Optionally change sort criteria and visual options

The document manager plugin will do the following automatically

1) Create nicely formatted lists of all selected files
2) Sort the files according to the criteria you have selected
3) Shade alternate rows in the list for improved readability
4) Add icons based on the file extension of the file
5) display the file size

You can easily create nicely formatted file directories in minutes that would take hours to do by manually. Updates are also a breeze. You can change the way documents display by just changing a few settings where you may be copying and pasting for hours otherwise.

soholaunch pluginsDocument Manager Demo

Minimum Compatible Version:

Soholaunch Pro Edition hand icon Pro Edition: v4.9+
Soholaunch hand icon Ultra: v1.0+

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User Comments

Note: This is for comments (as in, personal opinions, suggestions, etc.). For support questions and the like, post on the forums.

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Document Manager is the answer to my dilemma
by , Jul 09th, 2009
Springboard Net Solutions hit the nail on the head with this plug-in. I am responsible for, hosting over 500 documents and adding 20 – 30 new documents monthly. The Document Manager plug-in by Springboard Net Solutions is the answer to my dilemma. I am saving my self nearly 10 min for each new document posted to the site. Additionally, I could not have asked for setup and importing preexisting document to have gone any smoother. Thanks Again to the Springboard Net Solutions team for this wonderful tool.

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